Compared with the other apartment, this apartment is slightly smaller, but definitely provides the same look and feel. In this place there is also room for 4 people. When you enter the rural garden from the parking area, you will find this apartment on your right hand side.
When you enter this apartment, you will be in a spacious living room and kitchen. The kitchen contains a refrigerator, oven and all other facilities needed. The kitchen flows into the living room, which contains a TV and Radio.
Next to the kitchen, you can find the bathroom which is equipped with a toilet, a sink and a shower.
Upstairs there is one large space. This area contains a double bed and two typical Dutch single beds. These single beds are suited for adults as well as for children.
From the kitchen you are able to access the private garden of this apartment. This spacious rural garden is located next to the water and provides the perfect place to relax and enjoy the peaceful environment. The children can make use of the trampoline, play in the sandbox and float around on the water.
Price incluse | Why should I book a stay at Neder-Oudland |
Tourism tax not included |
When apartment II is not available on the required data, check here the availability of apartment I.
Reservations starting from two nights.
Price per night for two persons | € 120 |
Price per night for four persons | € 145 |
Price per week for two persons | € 800 |
Price per week for four persons | € 950 |
Breakfast per person | € 15 |